Programmatically Assign Products from one category to other category in Magento
Create a PHP script file in root directory of Magento directory structure and put below code in it.Adjust category from ID and to ID according to need.
Execute script.
To // 5 => 10 $from = 5; $to = 10; $category = Mage::getModel('catalog/category')->load($from); $productCollection = $category->setStoreId(1)->getProductCollection(); foreach($productCollection as $_product) { $product = Mage::getModel('catalog/product')->load($_product->getId()); $newCategories = $origCats = $product->getCategoryIds(); if(!in_array($to, $origCats)) { $newCategories = array_merge($origCats, array($to)); $product->setCategoryIds($newCategories)->save(); echo 'Assigned -- ' . $product->getId() . '
'; } } echo 'Completed Execution!!!'; ?>