Error / Problem: column not exists.
Developers come across this situation often when they customize / rewrite order grid or product grid.
You would get in the circumstances when you have customized or rewritten the Magento admin grid.
You have added a column with your own column or attribute.
Magento has a striking ability to filter the grids using custom column.
In the
protected function _prepareColumns()
You'd need to add a array element while adding custom column.
$this->addColumn('CUSTOM_COLUMN_ID', array(
'header' => Mage::helper(HELPER)->__('CUSTOM COLUMN TITLE'),
'index' => 'COLUMN_ID',
'filter_condition_callback' => array($this, '_filterIdCondition'),
You'd might noticed filter_condition_callback element used in the array.
the second element of the array _filterIdCondition is the function being called to filter the Magento admin grid.
The _filterIdCondition function would look something like below.
protected function _filterIdCondition($collection, $column) {
if (!$value = trim($column->getFilter()->getValue())) {
$where = ' (COLUMN_ID = '. $value .' )';
$collection->getSelect()->where(" {$where} ");
If the 'where' do not work you can use 'having' like below.
$collection->getSelect()->having(" {$where} ");
Developers come across this situation often when they customize / rewrite order grid or product grid.
You would get in the circumstances when you have customized or rewritten the Magento admin grid.
You have added a column with your own column or attribute.
Magento has a striking ability to filter the grids using custom column.
In the
protected function _prepareColumns()
You'd need to add a array element while adding custom column.
$this->addColumn('CUSTOM_COLUMN_ID', array(
'header' => Mage::helper(HELPER)->__('CUSTOM COLUMN TITLE'),
'index' => 'COLUMN_ID',
'filter_condition_callback' => array($this, '_filterIdCondition'),
You'd might noticed filter_condition_callback element used in the array.
the second element of the array _filterIdCondition is the function being called to filter the Magento admin grid.
The _filterIdCondition function would look something like below.
protected function _filterIdCondition($collection, $column) {
if (!$value = trim($column->getFilter()->getValue())) {
$where = ' (COLUMN_ID = '. $value .' )';
$collection->getSelect()->where(" {$where} ");
If the 'where' do not work you can use 'having' like below.
$collection->getSelect()->having(" {$where} ");